Mirror Copy

[Jules Verne Tomb]

 Zvi Har’El’s Jules Verne Collection 

On the Net Since 13 November 1995
« Vers l’immortalité et l’éternelle jeunesse »

This is my Mirror Copy - Original site is HERE

Original site is/was here: http://jv.gilead.org.il/ 
At one point, it ceased to exist! but is now back!

OR You can also access it using the "WayBack Machine Archive": Here (2020/08/16)

o Jules Verne Forum [RSS]
An Internet mailing list, discussing Jules Verne related subjects.
o Verniana—Jules Verne Studies / Études Jules Verne
An open-access international journal dedicated to the research of Jules Verne and his literary heritage.
o Jules Verne Virtual Library
A comprehensive library of Jules Verne works in electronic form in 12 langauages: 59 novels, 25 short stories, 6 essays, 6 plays, 6 poems, 2 speeches and 6 interviews. Jules Verne’s Classics Illustrated.
o The Illustrated Jules Verne
A compendium of the original illustrations from the Jules Verne’s Voyages Extraordinaires.
o Jules Verne FAQ [ע]
Frequently asked questions, in 13 languages, about his life and work, by Ariel Pérez, Garmt de Vries and Jean-Michel Margot.
o A Chronology of Jules Verne
by William Butcher.
o The Complete Jules Verne Bibliography
by Volker Dehs, Jean-Michel Margot and Zvi Har’El, now with a French/English cross reference.
o Academic Scholarship on Jules Verne
A collection of scholarly articles and book reviews.
o Encyclopædia Britannica Online
The full text of the 32 articles with references to Jules Verne.
o Mondial Jules Verne
Photos, presentations, lectures, from the univeral celebration of Jules Verne death centenary. Links.
o Jules Verne Virtual Bookstore
English, French and German books, in association with Amazon.
o Société Jules Verne
The Jules Verne Society, Paris. Links to other organizations.
o Jules Verne Stamps
147 pages with total of 488 full color stamps, souvenir sheets and first day covers from 58 countries. Comprehensive cataloging data.
o Les Voyages extraordinaires en Hébreu [ע]
A comprehensive list of the Hebrew translations of Jules Verne works.
o Potpourri
Links to other Jules Verne related web sites, with pictures.
o Le Livre de Poche « Jules Verne »
o Index Translationum
o Credits
o ... for I have found my world in you ♫ [ע]

In Memoriam of My Beloved Son
Gilead Har’El (1977-1996)

To Gilead’s Memorial Site

In Memoriam of
Dr. Zvi Har’El
(Dec 14, 1949 – Feb 2, 2008)
The Verniana Tribute to Dr. Zvi Har'El (PDF)
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$Date: 2008/01/15 21:57:03 $