Last updated: June 16, 2024

English Book Sets/Series

Ward, Lock Sets

Ward Lock History (i.e. History, Name Changes, and Address changes)

On this page are listed various "Sets" of Jules Verne titles published by Ward, Lock / Ward, Lock & Tyler, / Ward, Lock & Bowden

You can jumpe directly to some of the sets by following the following links

Ward, Lock Publisher Series

Jules Verne Library
Ward, Lock & Tyler

Ward, Lock & Tyler

The Youth's Library of
and Adventure
Ward, Lock & Tyler

Jules Verne Library
Ward, Lock & Co.

Ward, Lock & Co.

Ward, Lock and Company

The Family Gift Series
Ward, Lock & Co.

The Youth's Library of
Wonder and Adventure
Ward, Lock & Co.

Simple Victorian Covers
Ward, Lock & Co.

Rose Buds
Ward, Lock & Co. Limited

Ward, Lock & Co. Limited

Ward, Lock & Co. Limited

The Captain Library
Ward, Lock & Co. Limited

Sea Serpent Series
Ward, Lock & Co.

Sun and Clouds Cover
Ward, Lock & Co.

WL & Tyler / WL & Bowden / Ward, Lock & Co

The Jules Verne Library / Hardcover
Ward, Lock & Tyler (WLT)
Warwick House, Paternoster Row
nd but Dec 1875 - pre Sept 1878

The date of "pre" 1878 is given above, because although "Tyler" left the firm in 1873, the name "Ward, Lock & Tyler" was used along with the "Paternoster row" address until the company moved to the Salisbury address in late 1878.(Ward Lock History)

London, The Examiner, Sat, Dec 4, 1875

Titles seen in this series binding include
**The Jules Verne Library is exclusively VERNE titles**:

  1. A Journey in the Interior of the Earth
    A Journey into the Interior of the Earth
    (Each on different covers!!!)
  2. The English at the North Pole
  3. The Ice Desert
  4. Five Weeks in a Balloon
  5. ...
Single Volume

Jules Verne Library - One Shilling
Ward, Lock & Tyler (WLT)
nd Dec 1875 - pre Sept 1878

nd - pre 1878
Ward, Lock and Tyler,
Warwick House, Paternoster Row,

The date of "pre" 1878 is given above, because although "Tyler" left the firm in 1873, the name "Ward, Lock & Tyler" was used along with the "Paternoster row" address until the company moved to the Salisbury address in late 1878.(Ward Lock History)

London, The Examiner, Sat, Dec 4, 1875

Titles seen in this series binding include
**The Jules Verne Library is exclusively VERNE titles**:

  1. A Journey into the Interior of the Earth
  2. The English at the North Pole
  3. The Ice Desert
  4. Five Weeks in a Balloon
  5. The Mysterious Document
  6. On the Track
  7. Among the Cannibals
  8. From the Earth to the Moon (New Edition with Coloured Pictures)
  9. Round the Moon (New Edition with Coloured Pictures)
  10. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (First Series)
  11. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Second Series)
  12. ...

Yellowback's were NOT just for Verne titles AND NOT only Ward, Lock!:

Double Volume

Yellowback - Double Volume - Two Shillings
Ward, Lock & Tyler (WLT)
nd Dec 1875 - pre Sept 1878


Titles seen in this Two Shilling binding include:

  1. Wonderful Travels
    containing: A Voyage to the Centre of the |Earth
    and Five Weeks in a Balloon
    (TWO versions shown - spines different)
  2. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
  3. ...

Image 2 and 3 courtesy of Jonathan Frost Rare Books Ltd.

Yes, the top of the below covers do say The Youth's Library of Wonder and Adventure

The Youth's Library of Wonder and Adventure
Ward, Lock & Tyler (WLT)
nd Dec 1875 - pre Sept 1878


Ward, Lock & Co

Crown 8vo., picture wrapper, 1s. each; cloth gilt, 1s 6d.; ditto, gilt edges, 2s.

Healthy literature for boys is here provided in a cheap and popular form.

nd - pre 1878
Ward, Lock and Tyler,
Warwick House, Paternoster Row,

Titles seen in this series binding include:

  1. Among the Cannibals
  2. The English at the North Pole
  3. Five Weeks in a Balloon
  4. From the Earth to the Moon
  5. The Ice Desert
  6. A Journey into the Interior of the Earth
  7. The Mysterious Document
  8. On the Track
  9. Round the Moon
  10. Round the World in Eighty Days
  11. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea - Part I (First Series on cover)
  12. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea - Part II
  13. ...

The Youth's Library of Wonder and Adventure is NOT exclusive to Verne titles:

Yellowback - The Youth's Library - One Shilling
Ward, Lock & Co

Seen inscribed 1881


Double Volume

Double Volumes
Crown 8vo, picture boards, 2s. each; cloth gilt, 2s6d.; cloth extra, gilt, 3s6d.

  1. The Adventures of Captain Hatteras (The English at the North Pole, and The Ice Desert) with coloured pictures
  2. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. First and Second Series, Complete. With Coloured Pictures
  3. The Wonderful Travels. Containing A Journey into the Interior of the Earth, and Five Weeks in a Balloon. Ditto
  4. The Moon Voyage. Containing From the Earth to the Moon, and Round the Moon. with Coloured Pictures

Ward, Lock and Co.
London: Warwick House, Salisbury Square, E.C.
New York: Bond Street

nd - inscr 1894

Jules Verne Library / Hardcover
Ward, Lock & Co. (WL)
nd - circa Sept 1878 onwards

Ward, Lock & Co.
Warwick House
Dorset Buildings, Salisbury Square

The date of 1878 is given above, because the company moved to the Salisbury address in late 1878.

The following are the titles ave been noted in the series:

  1. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Part 1)
  2. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Part 2)
  3. English At the North Pole (Part 1 Captain Hatteras)
  4. The Ice Desert (Part 2 Captain Hatteras)
  5. From the Earth to the Moon
  6. On the Track
  7. Around the World in Eighty Days
  8. Journey into the Interior of the Earth
  9. ...

Jules Verne Library - One Shilling
Ward, Lock & Co. (WL)
nd - circa Sept 1878 onwards

Without a hardcover, these are NOT considered Yellowbacks.

Ward, Lock & Co.
Warwick House
Dorset Buildings, Salisbury Square

Titles seen in this series binding include:

  1. The Mysterious Document
  2. On the Track
  3. Among the Cannibals
  4. ...

Ward, Lock & Co. (WL)
nd - circa Sept 1878 onwards
Price: Sixpence

Titles seen in this series binding include:

  1. The Mysterious Document (not seen)
  2. On the Track
  3. Among the Cannibal (not seen)
  4. The English at the North Pole (not seen)
  5. The Ice Desert


The Family Gift Series
Ward, Lock and Co.

Titles known in this series:

  1. The Moon Voyage (from the Earth & Round It)
  2. The Wonderful Travellers (Journey & Five Weeks)
  3. Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea
  4. The Adventures of Captain Hatteras
  5. ...

Some Images courtesy of Philip Hollaway
Hatteras Image Dominic Williams

Ed: Below is my term for this series

Victorian Verne Vignette
Simple Victoria Cover

Ward, Lock & Co / Ward, Lock & Bowden
circa 1885 - 1895


(above common spines, and unique spine!)

This series does not seem to have a name, but the spines have identical design, and the covers are very similar, so I have grouped them together as a Series.

They were published over approximately 10 years, from 1885 to 1895 by Ward, Lock & Co and Ward, Lock & Bowden.

The cover design, is very Victorian looking, with the title of the book in a decorative font, in gilt, with an image from the book in vignette form. Finally, most say "by Jules Verne", near the edge of the vignette.

Titles noted in this "Series" are:

  1. From the Earth to the Moon
  2. Round the Moon
  3. The English at the North Pole
  4. The Ice Desert (seen with common spine AND unique spine)
  5. Round the World in Eighty Days (no "By Jules Verne")
  6. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  7. Mysterious Document - Not Seen (Pt 1 Captn Grant)
  8. On the Track (Pt 2 Captn Grant)
  9. Among the Cannibals (Pt 3 Captn Grant)
  10. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
  11. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea - Part 2 (no "By Jules Verne")
  12. Five Weeks in a Balloon (no "By Jules Verne")
  13. ...

This Ward Lock binding was not used exclusively for Verne:

"Rose Buds"

Ward, Lock & Co., Limited
London, Melbourne and Toronto


The following are the titles in this series (Possibly 12 titles?): 

  1. Five Weeks in a Balloon - inscribed 1904 - Blank endpapers
  2. ...


Ward, Lock & Co., Limited
London, Melbourne and Toronto


The following are the titles in this series (Possibly 12 titles?): 

  1. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  2. Round the World in Eighty Days
  3. ...


Ward, Lock & Co., Limited

The following are the titles in this series (Images of all 12 shown!)

  1. Among the Cannibals
  2. Around the World in Eighty Days
  3. English at the North Pole
  4. Five Weeks in a Balloonn - inscr 1909 - ExLibris endpapers - Coll AN
  5. From the Earth to the Moon
  6. The Ice Desert
  7. A Journey into the Interior of the Earth
  8. The Mysterious Document - Endpapers match the "Flowers" cover
  9. On the Track - Floral endpapers
  10. Round the Moon
  11. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - Part I
  12. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - Part II

Cover not specific to Jules Verne

Below is an image of the end papers for SOME of these volumes:

"The Captain Library"
Jules Verne - Henry Austin Series

aprox 1900-1912

Ward, Lock & Co., Limited,
Warwick House, Salisbury Square, E.C.
New York and Melbourne
Note: The above address is seen on the title page when there is NO Publishers date!

The following Address is seen on a 1912 dated: The Moon Voyage
Ward, Lock & Co., Limited,
London, Melbourne and Toronto

These Verne books, are part of a Ward Lock series of 36 volumes (as of July 1902) by various authors. The Series includes 5 titles by Jules Verne.

The description of the Series that you can see below says:

"The Captain Library
Large Crown 8vo., Cloth Gilt, each with Four illustrations. 2/-
The names of the authors give sufficient guarantee of the Library merits and interest of these books, wilst for selling value the line will be found unequalled Paper, Printing Binding and Illustrations are alike excellence."

Ed Note: A later Catalogue, found in the back of a "Sea Serpent" Verne series, shows 39 titles in "The Captain Library" and also indicates that a gilt edge bevelled boards version for 2/6 (2 shillings 6 pence). No VERNE book that I have seen, has bevelled covers, OR Gilt edges!

The Black and White illustrations inside, are by Henry Austin. The Jules Verne books have 1 illustration per part, or per included title, so that means 2 or 3 illustrations.
One of the inside illustrations is always replicated on the cover.
The Jules Verne books, are listed on the 2nd page of the catalogue below
and are numbered: # 16, 17, 18, 19 & 20

Seen in Red, Blue, Green, Brown, Tan/Beige, Grey bindings.

The volumes are printed with and without catalogues, and it is one of these catalogues that identifies this "set" of 5 volumes as part of "The Captain Library". This Catalogue, from a copy of Wonderful Travels, and that book has an inscription of July 4th, 1902.

The following are the 5 Verne titles in the "The Captain Library": 

  1. Among the Cannibals (#18)
    (Children of Captain Grant: Complete in 1 part)
    Ed: The ONLY time Ward Lock issued all parts as ONE volume
  2. The Adventures of Captain Hatteras (#20)
  3. The Moon Voyage (#19) - Seen with 1905 Prize plate and 1912 Publisher date
    (includes: From the Earth to the Moon and Round the Moon)
  4. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (#16) - Seen with 1908 Prize plate
  5. The Wonderful Travels (#17) -Seen with 1900 Prize plate
    (includes: Around the World in Eighty Days, Five Weeks in a Balloon, and Journey to the Interior of the Earth)

Fronticepiece from The Wonderful Travels
(Around the World in Eighty Days)

Thank you to John Hubbard-Grace for the "Series" inspiration
and to Philip Hollaway for "series" information and scans.

Jules Verne Series (as printed on the cover!)
"Sea Serpent Series" (Ed Note: my designation)

Note: A Catalogue in the back of Among the Cannibals of Ward, Lock's "The Captain Library", lists a series called "Jules Verne's Works". It lists the exact same 12 volumes listed below.
Here is its description:
"Large Crown 8vo, Cloth, Special Desian, each with Frontispiece, 1/-
This Series has been printed on large size paper, and is very attractively bound; the illustrations are entirely new, and specially drawn for this edition by HENRY AUSTIN."

Ward, Lock and Co, Limited,
London (aprox 1900-1905)

This is a series of hard cover books. They measure 5 1/2 x 7 3/4 x 7/8 inches. Their most distinguishing feature, is the cover art. The cover illustration is rather primitive, showing a hot air balloon, 2 ships, and a large 'SEA SERPENT'.
The serpent is repeated on the spine. Each book has 1 frontice  illustration by Henry Austin. 
I have seen covers in Red, Green and Blue. 

 The following are the 12 titles in the series: 

  1. Among the Cannibals
  2. Around the World in Eighty Days
  3. The English at the North Pole
  4. Five Weeks in a Balloon (with Eatons receipt, Dec 1904)
  5. From the Earth to the Moon
  6. The Ice Desert
  7. A Journey into the Interior of the Earth
  8. The Mysterious Document 
  9. On the Track
  10. Round the Moon (inscribed 1902)
  11. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Part 1) - 1 star on spine
  12. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Part 2) - 2 stars on spine

ANash: I have a real fondness for this series.
The cover art is so primitive!

Paste Down Cover
The Royal Series (according to the Dustjackets)
Ward. Lock

Titles seen with this cover include:
  1. Around the World in 80 Days
  2. Five Weeks in a Balloon
  3. From the Earth to the Moon
  4. Round the Moon
  5. ...

This cover is NOT exclusive to Jules Verne

Sun and Clouds Cover
The Royal Series (according to the Dustjackets)
Ward. Lock

Titles seen with this cover include:
  1. Among the Cannibals (Pt 2 Captn Grant)
  2. Around the World in 80 Days
  3. English at the North Pole (Pt 1 Captn Hatteras)
  4. Five Weeks in a Balloon
  5. From the Earth to the Moon
  6. The Ice Desert
  7. A Journey Into the Interior of the Earth
  8. Mysterious Document
  9. On the Track (Pt 1 Captn Grant)
  10. Round the Moon
  11. ...

Covers noted in Red, Blue, Green and Grey

Thank you Philip Hollaway for the Green discovery!

Note: this cover was NOT exclusive to Jules Verne titles:

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