Page Last updated: December 23, 2023

Exhaustive Complete List of Jules Verne Titles

Jules Verne
Who's Who
Use this page to look up ANY Jules Verne BOOK, SHORT STORY, or PLAY.
French titles as well as all variations of English titles are listed. Each link will take you to a page dedicated to the title selected.

Each page will list:

French title / English title variations / Frontice from Hetzel edition (not all available yet) / Plot synopsis /1st English Edition details / A listing of later English editions / certain French editions /
Some pages include detailed notes on the title

A list of Jules Verne plays can be viewed here

Exhaustive Complete List of Jules Verne Titles
A L'Anne 2889

A Priest in 1835

A propos du Géant [PG]
A Voyage in a Balloon
Abandoned (Pt 2 of 3: The Mysterious Island)
Play: Abd'allah [AD] (list of Verne plays) 1849
Adrift in the Pacific (Pt 1 of 2: Two Year Vacation)
Play: The Adoptive Son [FA] (list of Verne plays) 1853
Adventures in the Land of the Behemoth
Adventures of the Rat Family
Adventures of 3 Englishmen and 3 Russians in South Africa
Adventures of a Special Correspondent among the various races and countries of Central Asia
Adventures of a Special Correspondent in Central Asia
Adventures of Captain Hatteras
Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians
The Aerial Village [VA] (VE # 48) (its first appearance was titled: La Grande Forêt)
L'Agence Thompson and Co. - by Michel Verne
Play: Alexandre VI - 1503 [AX] (list of Verne plays) 1847
Play: Alexander VI - 1503 [AX] (list of Verne plays) 1847
All Around the Moon
An Ideal City [AA]
Among the Cannibals (Pt 3 of 3: Children of Captain Grant (The))
Les Anglais au pôle Nord. Voyages du capitaine Hatteras
Anomalous Phenomena (Pt 1 of 2: Hector Servadac)
An American Robinson Crusoe
An Antarctic Mystery
Play: An Excursion at Sea, A Light Comedy in One Act [PN] (list of Verne plays)
Apropos of the Balloon 'Le Geante'
L'Archipel en feu [AF] (VE #26)
The Archipelago on Fire
Around the Moon
Around the World in 80 Days 
Play: Around the World in 80 Days [TN] (list of Verne plays) 1874
Around the World in Eighty Days
Astonishing Adventures of the Barsac Mission - by Michel Verne
Astounding Adventures Among the Comets
At the North Pole
Play: Au bord de l'adour [BA] (list of Verne plays) 1855
Play: L'Auberge des Ardennes [AB] (list of Verne plays) 1860
Autour de la Lune [AL] (VE #7)
Aventures de la famille Raton [FP] (VE) short story
Aventures de trois Russes et de trois Anglais dans L'Afrique australe [AT] (VE #9) 
Backwards to Britain [VH] 1859-1860
A Balloon Adventure
The Baltimore Gun Club
Barbicane and Co.
Battling Beneath the Waves
Le Beau Danube Jaune [BD]
The Begum's Fortune
Song: Berceuse (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard)
Un Billet de loterie, Le numéro 9672 [BL] (VE #28)
Black Diamonds
Play: The Blind Man's Buff [CV] (list of Verne plays) 1852
Blockade Runners
Play: Au bord de l'adour [BA] (list of Verne plays) 1855
Bourses de voyage [BV] (VE #51)
Boy Captain: Adventures on Land and Sea
Play: Broken Straws [PA] (list of Verne plays) 1850
Brothers Kip ( To be published in English in 2003 for the first time)
Burbank the Northerner (Pt 1 of 2: North Against South)
Caesar Cascabel
The Californians; or Captain and Captain's Wife
Un Capitaine de quinze ans [CQ] (VE #17)
Captain Antifer
Captain Antifer; or, His Excellency's Millions
Captain at Fifteen
Captain Hatteras; or The English at the North Pole
Captain Len Guy;or, An Antarctic Mystery
Captain of the Guidara (Pt 1 of 2: Keraban the Terrible)
Carpathian Castle
Cascabel the Conjurer
Cascabel the Showman
Castaways of the Flag (Pt 2 of 2: Second Country)
The Castle in Transylvania
The Castle of the Carpathians
Un cauchemar. Manoeuvres. Intelligences. Délits fantastiques by X. Nagrien [CU]
(**NOT by Jules Verne. This title was published in Italy, Spain and other countries as if by Verne)
Cesar Cascabel
César Cascabel [CL] (VE #35)
Le Chancellor [CR] (VE #13) Journal du passager J.-R. Kazallon.
Play: The Castles of California, or A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss [CA] (list of Verne plays) 1851
Play: De Charybde en Scylla [CZ] (list of Verne plays) 1851
Chase of the Golden Meteor
La Chasse au Meteore (Le Bolide) (Version originale) [MQ]
Le Château des Carpathes [CC] (VE #37)
Play: Les Châteaux en Californie ou Pierre quie roule n'amasse pas mousse [CA] (list of Verne plays) 1851
Le Chemin de France [CF] (VE #31)
Child of the Cavern
Child of the Cavern or Strange Doings Underground
The Children of Captain Grant
Play: The Children of Captain Grant [EH] (list of Verne plays) 1875
Christophe Columb
Christopher Columbus
Les Cinq Cents Millions de la Bégum [CI] (VE #18)
Cinq Semaines en ballon [CS] (VE #1) 
City in the Sahara (Pt 2 of 2: Astonishing Adventures of the Barsac Mission) - by Michel Verne
Song: Chanson Scandinave (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard)
Song: Chanson Turque (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard)
Claim on Forty Mile Creek (Pt 1 of 2: Volcano of Gold) - by Michel Verne
Claudius Bombarnac [CB] (VE #38)
Claudius Bombarnac,Special Correspondent [CB] (VE #38)
Claudius Bombarnac; a Story of Adventure and Mystery [CB] (VE #38)
The Clipper of the Clouds
Clovis Dardentor [CD] (VE #43)
Play: Le Colin-maillard [CV] (list of Verne plays) 1852
Play: Les Compagnons de la Marjolaine [CW] (list of Verne plays) 1853
Play: The Companions of the Marjolaine [CW] (list of Verne plays) 1853
Le Comte de Chanteleine [CH]
Concerning the Geant
Play: La Conspiration des Poudres [CP] (list of Verne plays) 1848
Play: Le Coq de breruyè [CY] (list of Verne plays) 1849
The Cryptogram (Pt 1 of 2: The Giant Raft)
Danube Pilot
Song: Daphne (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard)
Day of an American Journalist in the Year 2889
De la Terre à la Lune [TL](VE #4)
De Rotterdam à Copenhague à bord du yacht Saint-Michel by Paul Verne
Histoire générale des grands voyages et des grands voyageurs / Les voyageurs du XIXe siècle [VX]
Histoire générale des grands voyages et des grands voyageurs / Les grands navigateurs du XVIIIe siècle. [GN]
Histoire des grands voyages et des grands voyageurs / Les Premiers Explorateurs [PE]
Découverte de la Terre. Histoire générale des grands voyages et des grands voyageurs. [PE] [GN] [VX] (in three parts)
Demon of Cawnpore (Pt 1 of 2: Steam House (The))
Demon of the Cawnpore (Pt 1 of 2: Steam House (The))
Le Désert de glace. Aventures du capitaine Hatteras
The Desert of Ice (Pt 2 of 2: Adventures of Captain Hatteras)
La Destinée de Jean Morénas [DJ] by Michel Verne
Deux Ans de vacances [DV] (VE #32)
Song: Les Deux Troupeux (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard)
The Devil Fish (excerpt from 20,000 Leagues)
Dick Sand, or a Captain at Fifteen
Dick Sands, or the Boy Captain
The Discovery of the Earth [PE]
Dix Heures en chasse [DC]
Le Docteur Ox
Doctor Ox and Other Stories
Play: Don Galaor [DG] (list of Verne plays) 1848
Song: La Douce Attente (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard)
Down the Amazon (Pt 2 of 2: Giant Raft (The))
Dr Ox and Other Stories
Dr Ox's Experiment
Dr Ox's Experiment, and Other Stories
Dr Trifulgas, A Fantastic Tale
Drama in Livonia
Drama in Mexico
A Drama in the Air
Play: A Drama under Louis XV / Un drame sous Louis XV [DR] (list of Verne plays) 1849
Un Drame au Mexique [DM]  (VE) short story
Un drame dans les airs
Un Drame en Livonie [DL] (VE #52)
Play: Un drame sous Louis XV [DR] (list of Verne plays) 1849
Dropped From the Clouds(Pt 1 of 3: Mysterious Island)
L'École des Robinsons [EQ] (VE #22)
Edgar Poe and His Works
Edgar(d) Poe et ses Oeuvres [EP]
Edom [ED]
Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon and Cryptogram
Play: Eleven Days of Siege [OJ]  (list of Verne plays) 1857-1860 - with Charles Wallut and Victorien Sardou
Song: En Avant les Zouaves! (text JV with music by Alfred Dufresne)
The End of Nana Sahib
End of the Journey (Pt 2 of 2: Thompson Agency and Co) - by Michel Verne
Les Enfants du capitaine Grant, Voyage autour du Monde. L'Amèrique du Sud. L'Australie. L'Ocèan pacifique [EG] (VE #5)
Play: Les Enfants du capitaine Grant [EH] (list of Verne plays) 1875
English at the North Pole & Ice Desert
English at the North Pole (Pt 1 of 2: Adventures of Captain Hatteras)
En Magellanie [EM] 1897-1898 - Jules Verne original
The Enthusiastic Hat Collector
L'Épave du Cynthia [EC] 1886
(originally published as a collaboration between Verne and Andre Laurie. It is now recognized as the sole work of Andre Laurie)
The Eternal Adam [EL](short story) by Michel Verne
L'Éternel Adam [EL] by Michel Verne
L'Étoile du sud [EO] (VE #25)
Le Pays des diamants
L'Etonnante aventure de la mission Barsac

Play: An Excursion at Sea, A Light Comedy in One Act [PN] (list of Verne plays) 1848

L'Expédition de la Jeune-Hardie
Exploration of the World: Celebrated Travels and Travellers
Exploration of the World: the Great Explorers XIX
The Explorers of the 19th Century
Un Express de l'avenir [EF] by Michel Verne
Express of the Future
Face au drapeau [FD] (VE #42)
Facing the Flag

Fact-Finding Mission - Jules Verne original (Michel Verne used this to create Barsac Mission)

La famille raton
Famille-sans-nom [FS] (VE #33)
A Family Without a Name
Famous Travels and Travellers
A Fancy of Doctor Ox and Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Une Fantaisie du Docteur Ox [DO] (VE) Short Story
The Fate of Jean Morenas
Play: Les Fiancés bretons (list of Verne plays) 1851
Play: The Fiancés of Brittany / Les Fiancés bretons (list of Verne plays) 1851
The Field of Ice (Pt 2 of 2: Adventures of Captain Hatteras)
Play: The Fifteen Minutes of Rabelais / Le Quart d'heure de Rabelais [QH] (list of Verne plays) 1848
Play: Un fils adoptif [FA] (list of Verne plays) 1853
La fin des guerres navales
The First Ships of the Mexican Navy
Five Weeks in a Balloon
The Flight to France
A Floating City
A Floating City, and the Blockade Runners
The Floating Island
Floating Island or the Pearl of the Pacific
Flood and Flame (Pt 2 of 2: Volcano of Gold) - by Michel Verne
For the Flag
Les Forceurs de blocus [FB] (VE) short story
Fortieth French Ascent of Mont Blanc [QA] short story by Paul Verne
Foundling Mick (P'Tit Bonhomme)
Les Frères Kip [FK] (VE #50)
Fritt Flacc [FF]
Play: From Charybdis to Scylla / De Charybde en Scylla [CZ] (list of Verne plays) 1851
From Copenhagen to Rotterdam on board the steam yacht Saint-Michel (by Jules' brother Paul Verne)
From the Clouds to the Mountains
From the Clouds to the Mountains (a short story in Doctor Ox))
From the Earth to the Moon
From the Earth to the Moon Direct in 97 Hours and 20 Minutes
From the Earth to the Moon, All Around the Moon
From the Earth to the Moon, and a Journey Around It
From the Earth to the Moon, and a Trip Around it
From the Earth to the Moon, and a Trip Round it
From the Earth to the Moon, and Around the Moon
From the Earth to the Moon, and Round It
Frritt-Flacc [FF] (VE) short story
The Fur Country
The Fur Country,or 70° North Latitude
The Fur Country,or Seventy Degrees North Latitude
Future of the Submarine (article)
Song: Les Gabiers: chanson maritime (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard)
Géographie illustrée de la France et de ses colonies.
Précédée d'une étude sur la géographie générale de la France, par Théophile Lavallée
The Giant Raft
Gil Braltar [GB] (VE) short story
Godfrey Morgan: a Californian Mystery
Golden Danube - version d'origine [BD]- Jules Verne original
The Golden Volcano - version d'origine [VP] - Jules Verne original
Volcano of Gold [VO] - by Michel Verne
La Grande Foret [VA] (VE # 48)
Les grands voyages et les grands voyageurs: Découverte de la Terre
The Great Air Line to the Moon (excerpt/Short Story from From the Earth to the Moon)
The Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, Celebrated Travels and Travellers
The Great Explorers of the XIXth Century
The Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century, Celebrated Travels and Travellers
The Great Navigators of the XVIIIth Century
A great transatlantic subway (short story) by Michel Verne
The Green Ray: A Romance of the Scottish Highland
Play: Guerre aux tyrans [GT] (list of Verne plays) 1854
Play: La Guimard [GD] (list of Verne plays) 1850
Play: The Guimard [GD] (list of Verne plays) (ENGLISH version)
Play: The Happy of the Day / Les Heureux du jour [HE] (list of Verne plays) 1855-1856
Hector Servadac, voyages et aventures à travers le monde solaire [HS] (VE #15)
Hector Servadac, or the Career of a Comet
Play: Les Heureux du jour [HE] (list of Verne plays) 1855-1856
Hier et Demain
Histoire des grands voyages et des grands voyageurs: Découverte de la Terre [PE] [GN] [VX]
Histoire des grands voyges et des grands voyageurs: Les Premiers Explorateurs [PE]
Histoire générale des grands voyages et des grands voyageurs: Les Voyageurs du XIXe siècle [VX]
Histoire générale des grands voyages et des grands voyageurs: Les grands navigateurs du XVIIIe siècle [GN]
Les Histoires de Jean-Marie Cabidoulin [HJ] (VE #49)
History of the Famous Travels and Travelers [PE] [GN] [VX]
Un hivernage dans les glaces [HG] (VE) short story
Homeward Bound (Pt 2 of 2: Hector Servadac)
Moeurs américaines. Le Humbug [HU]
Hunt For the Meteor
Ice Desert (Pt 2 of 2: Adventures of Captain Hatteras)
An Ideal City [AA] (short story)
L'Île à hélice [IH] (VE #41)
L'Île mystérieuse [IM](VE #12)
(Part 1) L'es Naufragés de l'air.
(Part 2) L'Abandonné.
(Part 3) Le Secret de l'île
Illustrated Geography of France and Her Colonies
An Incubus by X. Nagrien
(**NOT by Verne, but was published in Italy, Spain and other countries as if written by Verne)
In Search of the Castaways
In the Year 2889 by Michel Verne
Les Indes noires [IO](VE #16)
Play: The Inn in the Ardennes [AB] (list of Verne plays) 1860
Into the Abyss (Pt 2 of 2: Family Without a Name)
Into the Niger Bend (Pt 1 of 2: Astonishing Adventures of the Barsac Mission) - by Michel Verne
L'Invasion de la mer [IR] (VE #54)
Invasion of the Sea
La Jangada huit cents lieues sur l'Amazone [JA] (VE #21)

Jédédias Jamet, or The Tale of an Inheritance - Play

Jédédias Jamet ou L'Histoire d'une succession [JJ] 1991
La journée d'un journaliste américain en 2890 [JN]
A Journey Into the Interior of the Earth
Play: Journey Through the Impossible [VE] (list of Verne plays) 1879-1882 - with Adolphe d'Ennery
Journey to England and Scotland [VH]
A Journey to the Center of the Earth
A Journey to the Centre of the Earth
A Journey to the North Pole(Pt 1 of 2: Adventures of Captain Hatteras)
Jules Verne - Collected Works
Play: Kéraban the Inflexible [KE] (list of Verne plays) 1882
Keraban the Terrible
Kéraban-le-têtu [KT] (VE #24)
Play: Kéraban-le-têtu [KE] (list of Verne plays) 1882
The Kip Brothers
Play: The Knights of the Daffodil [CW] (list of Verne plays) 1853
Kongre the Wrecker: Lighthouse at the End of the World
A Lad of Grit
Leader of the Resistance (Pt 1 of 2: Family Without a Name)
The Lighthouse at the End of the World [PM]- by Michel Verne
The Lighthouse at the End of the World [PW]- Jules Verne original
Play: Little Friends May Prove Great Friends / On a souvent besoin d'un plus petit que soi [ON] (list of Verne plays) 1849
A Long Vacation
Lottery Ticket
Play: Madame Malbrough’s Page / Le Page de Madame Malbrough [RM] (list of Verne plays)1858
**not by J. Verne..but by Edouard Vierne**
Magellania [EM] 1897-1898 - Jules Verne original
La Maison à vapeur voyage à travers l'Inde septentrionale [MV] (VE #20)
Maître du monde [MM] (VE #53)
Maître Zacharius [MZ] (VE) short story
Manuscrits nantais
Le Mariage de M. Anselme des Tilleuls [MT]
The Marriage of a Marquis
The Marriage of M. Anselme des Tilleuls
Martin Paz [MP] (VE) short story
Master of the World
Masterless Man (Pt 1 of 2: Survivors of the Jonathan)
(**NOT by Jules Verne. Based on a novel by Jules Verne but heavily modified by his son Michel Verne.)
Master Zacharius [MZ]
Mathias Sandorf [MS] (VE #27)
Play: Mathias Sandorf [MF] (list of Verne plays) 1887 - with Wiliam Busnach
Measuring a Meridian
Meridiana or Adventures in South Africa
Meridiana: The Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians ...

The Meridians and the Calendar

The Meteor Hunt
Michael Strogoff [MI] (VE #14)
Play: Michael Strogoff [MJ] (list of Verne plays) 1876-1880 - with Adolphe d'Ennery
Michael Strogoff, Courier of the Czar [MI] (VE #14)
Michael Strogoff, or the Courier of the Czar [MI] (VE #14)
Michael Strogoff, The Courier of the Czar [MI] (VE #14)
Michel Strogoff [MI] (VE #14)
Play: Michel Strogoff [MJ] (list of Verne plays) 1876-1880 - with Adolphe d'Ennery
The Mighty Orinoco (published in English for the first time in 2003)
Play: La Mille et deuxième nuit [MX] (list of Verne plays) 1850
Mirifiques Aventures de Maître Antifer [MA] (VE #40)
Mistress Branican [MB] (VE #36)
Moeurs américaines. Le Humbug [HU] (short story)
Play: Mona Lisa (or Leonardo de Vinci or The Joconde) [LV] (list of Verne plays) 1852
Play: Monna Lisa (ou Léonard de Vinci ou La Joconde) [LV] (list of Verne plays) 1852
The Moon Voyage
Play: Monsieur de Chimpanzé [MD] (list of Verne plays) 1858
M. Ré-Dièze et Mlle Mi-Bémol
Play: Mr. Chimp [MD] (list of Verne plays)
Play: Mr. Chimpanzee [MD] (list of Verne plays)
Mr Ray Sharp and Miss Me Flat
Mutineers of the Bounty (short story)
Mysterious Document (Pt 1 of 3:The Children of Captain Grant)
A Mysterious Force
The Mysterious Island
Mysterious Island: Abandoned (Pt 2 of 3: Mysterious Island)
Mysterious Island: Secret of the Island (Pt 3 of 3: Mysterious Island)
Mysterious Island: Wrecked in the Air (Pt 1 of 3: Mysterious Island)
Mystery of Arthur Gordon Pym
Mystery of the Franklin
Les Naufrages du 'Jonathan' [NJ] 1909 by Michel Verne
(**NOT by Jules Verne. Based on a novel by Jules Verne but heavily modified by his son Michel Verne.)

Play: A Nephew from America, or The Two Frontignacs [NA] (list of Verne plays) - with Charles Wallut and Edouard Cadol

Play: Un Neveu d'Amérique ou les deux Frontignac [NA] (list of Verne plays) 1861
A Nightmare [CU] by X. Nagrien
(**NOT by Jules Verne, but was published in Italy, Spain and other countries and attributed to Verne)
Song: Notre Etoile (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard)
Nord contre Sud [NS] (VE #30)
North Against South [NS] (VE #30)
Play: The North Pole [PH] (list of Verne plays) 1871
Off on a Comet
Play: On a souvent besoin d'un plus petit que soi [ON] (list of Verne plays) 1849
L'Oncle Robinson [OR] 1870-1871
Play: On the Bank of the Ardour / Au bord de l'adour [BA] (list of Verne plays) 1855
On the Track (Pt 2 of 3: The Children of Captain Grant)
Play: Onze jours de siège [OJ]  (list of Verne plays) 1857-1860
Package Holiday (Pt 1 of 2: Thompson Agency and Co) - by Michel Verne
Play: Le Page de Madame Malbrough [RM] (list of Verne plays)1858 **not by J. Verne..but by Edouard Vierne**
Play: Les Pailles rompues [PA] (list of Verne plays) 1849
Paris au XXe siecle [PV] 1863
Paris au XXieme Siecle
Paris, Geographie, Statistique, Histoire
Paris in the Twentieth Century
Le Pays des fourrures [PF] (VE #10)
Pearl of Lima. A Story of True Love.
Le Phare du bout du monde  [PM] - by Michel Verne
Le Phare du bout du monde - Version d'origine  [PW] - Jules Verne original
Pierre-Jean [CJ] (shorty story)
Le Pilote du Danube - by Michel Verne
Poésies inédites (Poetry)
Play: Le Pole Nord [PH] (list of Verne plays) 1871
Play: The Powder Conspiracy [CP] (list of Verne plays) 1848
Les Premiers Navires de la Marine Mexicaine
Un Prêtre en 1835 [PT] 1846/1847
Un Prêtre en 1839 [PT] 1846/1847
A Priest in 1835 1846/1847
Song: Au Printemps (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard)
Prodigieuse décoverte [PC] 1867 by X. Nagrien
(**NOT by Jules Verne. This title was published in Italy, Spain and other countries as if by Verne ... by X. Nagrien)
Prodigious Discovery by X. Nagrien
(**NOT by Jules Verne. This title was published in Italy, Spain and other countries as if by Verne )
Play: Une Promenade en mer [PN] (list of Verne plays) 1848
Propeller Island
P'tit Bonhomme [PB] (VE #39)
The Purchase of the North Pole
Quarantième ascension française au Mont-Blanc [QA] by Paul Verne
Play: Le Quart d'heure de Rabelais [QH] (list of Verne plays) 1848
Play: Quiridine et Quidinerit [QQ] (list of Verne plays) 1850
The Rat Family
Le Rayon vert [RV] (VE #23)
Les Révoltés de la Bounty [RY] (VE) short story)
Robur-le-Conquérant [RC] (VE #29)
Robur the Conqueror (VE #29)
Rodolphe de Gortz; or the Castle of the Carpathians
De Rotterdam a Copenhague a bord du yacht a vapeur Saint-Michel (by Jules' brother Paul Verne)
Round the Moon
Round the World in Eighty Days
Round the World, Australia (Pt 2 of 3: The Children of Captain Grant)
Round the World, New Zealand (Pt 3 of 3: The Children of Captain Grant)
Round the World, South America (Pt 1 of 3: The Children of Captain Grant)
Play: Les Sabines [SB] (list of Verne plays) 1857
Play: The Sabines / Les Sabines [SB] (list of Verne plays) 1857
Salon de 1857
Salon of 1857
Salvage From the Cynthia
(originally published as a collaboration between Verne and Andre Laurie. It is now believed to be the sole work of Andre Laurie)
San Carlos et autres récits inédits
San Carlos [SA] (short story)
Sans dessus dessous [SD] (VE #34)
Play: Les Savants [SV] (list of Verne plays) 1851
Scarpanthe the Spy (Pt 2 of 2: Keraban the Terrible)
Play: The Scholars / Les Savants [SV] (list of Verne plays) 1851
Scholarships for Travel
School For Crusoes
Una Scoperta Prodigiosa (Italian) by X. Nagrien
(**NOT by Jules Verne. This title was published in Italy, Spain and other countries as if by Verne)
Sea Serpent
Second Country
Second Fatherland
Second Year Ashore (Pt 2 of 2: Two Year )
Seconde patrie [SP] (VE #47)
Le Secret de Wilhelm Storitz - Version d'origine [WI] - Jules Verne original
Le Secret de Wilhelm Storitz - L'Invisible, L'invisible Fiancee, Le Secret de Storitz) [WS] - by Michel Verne
The Secret of the Island (Pt 3 of 3: Mysterious Island)
The Secret of Wilhelm Storitz - by Michel Verne
The Self-Propelled Island
Shipwrecked Family: Marooned With Uncle Robinson
Shipwrecked in the Air (Pt 1 of 3: Mysterious Island)
Show on Ice (Pt 2 of 2: Caesar Cascabel)
Le Siège de Rome [SR] (short story)
The Siege of Rome (short story)
Simon Hart: a Strange Story of Science & the Sea
Solution of Mind Problems by the Imagination (article)

The Sombre Fate of Jean Morenas

The Southern Star
Southern Star Mystery
Song: Souvenirs D'Ecosse (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard)
Souvenirs d'enfance et de jeunesse [SJ]
The Special Correspondent
Le Sphinx des glaces [SG] (VE #44)
The Sphinx of the Ice [SG] (VE #44)
The Steam House
Stories of Adventure: Meridiana & Journey to the Center of the Earth
The Storm (short story)
(appears in the book 'Black Water: Anthology of Fantastic Literature')
The Story of my Boyhood [SJ]
Sun in Eclipse (Pt 1 of 2: The Fur Country)
The Superb Orinoco [SO] (VE #45)
Le Superbe Orénoque [SO] (VE #45) 
(published in English in 2003 for the first time as: The Mighty Orinoco)
Survivors of the Chancellor
Survivors of the Jonathan
(**NOT by Jules Verne. Based on a novel by Jules Verne but heavily modified by his son Michel Verne.)
Tale of a Hat
The Tale of a Hat or Josh Merritt's Mania (published from a chapter of Mistress Branican)
The Tale of an Inheritance - Play
Tales of Adventure (Includes Captain Hatteras and other stories)
Song: La Tankadere (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard)
Ten Hour Hunt
Ten Hours Hunting
Le Testament d'un excentrique [TE] (VE #46)
Texar the Southerner (Pt 2 of 2: North Against South)
Texars Revenge
Theatre Inedit
Their Island Home (Pt 1 of 2: Second Country)
Thompson Agency and Co - by Michel Verne

Play: The Thousand and Second Night [MX] (list of Verne plays)

Through the Bering Straight (Pt 2 of 2: The Fur Country )
Tigers and Traitors (Pt 2 of 2: The Steam House)
Tigers and Traitors, Steam House (Pt 2 of 2: The Steam House)
Three Russians and Three Englishmen
To My English Readers (introduction to the book Plunge into Space by Robert Cromie)
To the Sun
To the Sun? Off on a Comet!
The Topmen: Sailor Song (song)
Topsy Turvy
Play: La Tour de Monthléry [TY] (list of Verne plays) 1852
Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours [TM] (VE #11)
Play: Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours [TN] (list of Verne plays) 1873
Tour of the World in 80 Days
Tour of the World in Eighty Days
Song: Tout Simplement (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard)
Play: The Tower of Monthléry / La Tour de Monthléry [TY] (list of Verne plays) 1852
Play: Une tragédie en vers pour le théatre des marionnettes Riquiqui de Nantes [TV] (list of Verne plays) 1845
Travelling Circus (Pt 1 of 2: Caesar Cascabel)
Travel Scholarships
Tribulation of a Chinaman
Les Tribulations d'un chinois en Chine [TC] (VE #19)
Play: Les Tribulations d'un chinois en Chine [ED] (list of Verne plays) 1888-1890
Tribulations of a Chinaman
Tribulations of a Chinaman in China
Tribulations of a Chinese Gentleman
Trip Around the World in a Flying Machine
The Troubles of a Chinaman
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas
Two Year Vacation
Uncle Robinson
The Underground City
Uneditted Poems (Poetry)
Play: Untitled [TV] (list of Verne plays) 1845
Unwilling Dictator (Pt 2 of 2: Survivors of the Jonathan)
(**NOT by Jules Verne. Based on a novel by Jules Verne but heavily modified by his son Michel Verne.)
The Vanished Diamond
Le Village aérien [VA] (VE # 48) (its first appearance was titled: La Grande Forêt)
Village in the Treetops
Une Ville flottante [VF] (VE #8)
Une ville idéale (Amiens en l'an 2000) [AA] (short story)
Vingt Mille Lieues sous les mers [VL] (VE #6)
Tour du monde sous-marin.
Vingt-quatre minutes en ballon
Le Volcan d'or  [VO] - by Michel Verne
Le Volcan d'or (Le Klondyke) (Version originale) [VP] - Jules Verne original
Volcano of Gold [VO] - by Michel Verne
Voyage across the impossible
Play: Voyage à travers l'impossible [VE] (list of Verne plays) 1879-1882 - with Adolphe d'Ennery
Voyage au centre de la Terre [VC] (VE #3)
Voyage d'études - Jules Verne original (Michel Verne used this to create Barsac Mission)
Voyage in a Balloon
Voyage Round the World - Australia (Pt 2 of 3: The Children of Captain Grant )
Voyage Round the World - New Zealand (Pt 3 of 3: The Children of Captain Grant )
Voyage Round the World - South America (Pt 1 of 3: The Children of Captain Grant )
A Voyage to the Centre of the Earth
A Voyage to the Moon
Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras
Voyages en Angleterre et en Ecosse (Voyage à reculons) [VH] 1859-1860 à
Voyages et aventures du capitaine Hatteras [AH] (VE #2)
Les Voyageurs du XIX-ieme Siecle
Play: War to Tyrants [GT] (list of Verne plays) 1854
The Wilderness of Ice (Pt 2 of 2: Adventures of Captain Hatteras)
The Will of an Eccentric
William J Hypperbone,or the Will of An Eccentric
A Winter Amid the Ice
A Winter Amid the Ice (as a short story in Doctor Ox)
Winter Among the Ice-Fields (as a short story in Doctor Ox)
Winter in the Ice
Winter in the Ice (as a short story in Doctor Ox)
Wonderful Adventures of Master Antifer [MA] (VE #40)
The Wonderful Travellers
A Journey to the Center of the Earth and Five Weeks in a Balloon
Wonderful Travels
A Journey to the Center of the Earth and Five Weeks in a Balloon
Play: The Wood Grouse / Le Coq de breruyè [CY] (list of Verne plays) 1849
Wreck of the Chancellor
Wreck of the Franklin
Wrecked in the Air (Pt 1 of 3: Mysterious Island)
Yesterday and Tomorrow
10 Hour Hunt
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
24 Minutes in a Balloon (short story)
30 Miles a Minute
5 Weeks in a Balloon
The 500 Millions of the Begum
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