Exhaustive Complete List of Jules Verne
Titles |
A L'Anne 2889 |
A Priest in 1835
A propos du Géant [PG] |
A Voyage in a Balloon |
Abandoned (Pt 2 of 3: The Mysterious Island) |
Play: Abd'allah [AD] (list of Verne plays) 1849 |
Adrift in the Pacific (Pt
1 of 2: Two Year Vacation) |
Play: The Adoptive Son [FA] (list of Verne plays) 1853 |
Adventures in the Land of the
Behemoth |
Adventures of the Rat Family |
Adventures of 3 Englishmen and
3 Russians in South Africa |
Adventures of a Special Correspondent
among the various races and countries of Central Asia |
Adventures of a Special Correspondent
in Central Asia |
Adventures of Captain Hatteras |
Adventures of Three Englishmen
and Three Russians |
The Aerial Village [VA]
(VE # 48) (its first appearance was titled: La Grande Forêt) |
L'Agence Thompson and Co. - by Michel Verne |
Play: Alexandre VI - 1503 [AX] (list of Verne plays) 1847 |
Play: Alexander VI - 1503 [AX] (list of Verne plays) 1847 |
All Around the Moon |
An Ideal City [AA] |
Among the Cannibals (Pt
3 of 3: Children of Captain Grant (The)) |
Les Anglais au pôle Nord. Voyages du capitaine Hatteras |
Anomalous Phenomena (Pt 1
of 2: Hector Servadac) |
An American Robinson Crusoe |
An Antarctic Mystery |
Play: An Excursion at Sea, A Light Comedy in One Act [PN] (list of Verne plays) |
Apropos of the Balloon 'Le Geante' |
L'Archipel en feu [AF] (VE
#26) |
The Archipelago on Fire |
Around the Moon |
Around the World in 80 Days |
Play: Around the World in 80 Days [TN] (list of Verne plays) 1874 |
Around the World in Eighty Days |
Astonishing Adventures of the Barsac Mission - by Michel Verne |
Astounding Adventures Among the
Comets |
At the North Pole |
Play: Au bord de l'adour [BA] (list of Verne plays) 1855 |
Play: L'Auberge des Ardennes [AB] (list of Verne plays) 1860 |
Autour de la Lune [AL] (VE
#7) |
Aventures de la famille Raton [FP]
(VE) short story |
Aventures de trois Russes et de trois Anglais dans L'Afrique australe [AT] (VE #9) |
Backwards to Britain [VH]
1859-1860 |
A Balloon Adventure |
The Baltimore Gun Club |
Barbicane and Co. |
Battling Beneath the Waves |
Le Beau Danube Jaune [BD] |
The Begum's Fortune |
Song: Berceuse (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard) |
Un Billet de loterie, Le numéro 9672
[BL] (VE #28) |
Black Diamonds |
Play: The Blind Man's Buff [CV] (list of Verne plays) 1852 |
Blockade Runners |
Play: Au bord de l'adour [BA] (list of Verne plays) 1855 |
Bourses de voyage
[BV] (VE #51) |
Boy Captain: Adventures on Land
and Sea |
Play: Broken Straws [PA] (list of Verne plays) 1850 |
Brothers Kip (
To be published in English in 2003 for the first time) |
Burbank the Northerner (Pt
1 of 2: North Against South) |
Caesar Cascabel |
Californians! |
The Californians; or Captain and Captain's Wife |
Un Capitaine de quinze ans
[CQ] (VE #17) |
Captain Antifer |
Captain Antifer; or, His Excellency's
Millions |
Captain at Fifteen |
Captain Hatteras; or The English
at the North Pole |
Captain Len Guy;or, An Antarctic
Mystery |
Captain of the Guidara (Pt
1 of 2: Keraban the Terrible) |
Carpathian Castle |
Cascabel the Conjurer |
Cascabel the Showman |
Castaways of the Flag (Pt
2 of 2: Second Country) |
The Castle in Transylvania |
The Castle of the Carpathians |
Un cauchemar. Manoeuvres. Intelligences.
Délits fantastiques by X. Nagrien [CU]
(**NOT by Jules Verne. This title was published in Italy, Spain and other countries as if by Verne) |
Cesar Cascabel |
César Cascabel [CL]
(VE #35) |
Chancellor |
Le Chancellor [CR] (VE #13) Journal du passager J.-R. Kazallon. |
Play: The Castles of California, or A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss [CA] (list of Verne plays) 1851 |
Play: De Charybde en Scylla [CZ] (list of Verne plays) 1851 |
Chase of the Golden Meteor |
La Chasse au Meteore (Le Bolide)
(Version originale) [MQ] |
Le Château des Carpathes
[CC] (VE #37) |
Play: Les Châteaux en Californie ou Pierre quie roule n'amasse pas mousse [CA] (list of Verne plays) 1851 |
Le Chemin de France [CF] (VE
#31) |
Child of the Cavern |
Child of the Cavern or Strange Doings
Underground |
The Children of Captain Grant |
Play: The Children of Captain Grant [EH] (list of Verne plays) 1875 |
Christophe Columb |
Christopher Columbus |
Les Cinq Cents Millions de la Bégum
[CI] (VE #18) |
Cinq Semaines en ballon [CS]
(VE #1) |
City in the Sahara (Pt 2
of 2: Astonishing Adventures of the Barsac Mission) - by Michel Verne |
Song: Chanson Scandinave (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard) |
Song: Chanson Turque (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard) |
Claim on Forty Mile Creek (Pt 1 of 2: Volcano of Gold) - by Michel Verne |
Claudius Bombarnac [CB] (VE
#38) |
Claudius Bombarnac,Special Correspondent
[CB] (VE #38) |
Claudius Bombarnac; a Story of
Adventure and Mystery [CB] (VE #38) |
The Clipper of the Clouds |
Clovis Dardentor [CD] (VE #43) |
Play: Le Colin-maillard [CV] (list of Verne plays) 1852 |
Play: Les Compagnons de la Marjolaine [CW] (list of Verne plays) 1853 |
Play: The Companions of the Marjolaine [CW] (list of Verne plays) 1853 |
Le Comte de Chanteleine [CH] |
Concerning the Geant |
Play: La Conspiration des Poudres [CP] (list of Verne plays) 1848 |
Play: Le Coq de breruyè [CY] (list of Verne plays) 1849 |
The Cryptogram (Pt 1 of
2: The Giant Raft) |
Danube Pilot |
Song: Daphne (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard) |
Day of an American Journalist
in the Year 2889 |
De la Terre à la Lune
[TL](VE #4) |
De Rotterdam à Copenhague à bord du yacht Saint-Michel
by Paul Verne |
Histoire générale des grands voyages et des grands voyageurs / Les voyageurs du XIXe siècle [VX] |
Histoire générale des grands voyages et des grands voyageurs / Les grands navigateurs du XVIIIe siècle. [GN] |
Histoire des grands voyages et des grands voyageurs / Les Premiers Explorateurs [PE] |
Découverte de la Terre. Histoire générale des grands voyages et des grands voyageurs. [PE] [GN] [VX] (in three parts) |
Demon of Cawnpore (Pt 1 of
2: Steam House (The)) |
Demon of the Cawnpore (Pt
1 of 2: Steam House (The)) |
Le Désert de glace. Aventures du capitaine Hatteras |
The Desert of Ice (Pt
2 of 2: Adventures of Captain Hatteras) |
La Destinée de Jean Morénas [DJ] by Michel Verne |
Deux Ans de vacances [DV] (VE
#32) |
Song: Les Deux Troupeux (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard) |
The Devil Fish (excerpt from
20,000 Leagues) |
Dick Sand, or a Captain at Fifteen |
Dick Sands, or the Boy Captain |
The Discovery of the Earth [PE] |
Dix Heures en chasse [DC] |
Le Docteur Ox |
Doctor Ox and Other Stories |
Play: Don Galaor [DG] (list of Verne plays) 1848 |
Song: La Douce Attente (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard) |
Down the Amazon (Pt 2 of
2: Giant Raft (The)) |
Dr Ox and Other Stories |
Dr Ox's Experiment |
Dr Ox's Experiment, and Other Stories |
Dr Trifulgas, A Fantastic Tale |
Drama in Livonia |
Drama in Mexico |
A Drama in the Air |
Play: A Drama under Louis XV / Un drame sous Louis XV [DR] (list of Verne plays) 1849 |
Un Drame au Mexique [DM]
(VE) short story |
Un drame dans les airs |
Un Drame en Livonie [DL] (VE
#52) |
Play: Un drame sous Louis XV [DR] (list of Verne plays) 1849 |
Dropped From the Clouds(Pt
1 of 3: Mysterious Island) |
L'École des Robinsons
[EQ] (VE #22) |
Edgar Poe and His Works |
Edgar(d) Poe et ses Oeuvres [EP] |
Edom [ED] |
Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon |
Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
and Cryptogram |
Play: Eleven Days of Siege [OJ] (list of Verne plays) 1857-1860 - with Charles Wallut and Victorien Sardou |
Song: En Avant les Zouaves! (text JV with music by Alfred Dufresne) |
The End of Nana Sahib |
End of the Journey (Pt 2
of 2: Thompson Agency and Co) - by Michel Verne |
Les Enfants du capitaine Grant, Voyage autour du Monde. L'Amèrique
du Sud. L'Australie. L'Ocèan pacifique [EG] (VE #5) |
Play: Les Enfants du capitaine Grant [EH] (list of Verne plays) 1875 |
English at the North Pole &
Ice Desert |
English at the North Pole
(Pt 1 of 2: Adventures of Captain Hatteras) |
En Magellanie [EM] 1897-1898 - Jules Verne original |
The Enthusiastic Hat Collector |
L'Épave du Cynthia [EC] 1886
(originally published as a collaboration between Verne and Andre Laurie. It is now recognized as the
sole work of Andre Laurie) |
The Eternal Adam [EL](short
story) by Michel Verne |
L'Éternel Adam [EL]
by Michel Verne |
L'Étoile du sud [EO] (VE
Le Pays des diamants |
L'Etonnante aventure de la mission
Barsac |
Play: An Excursion at Sea, A Light Comedy in One Act [PN] (list of Verne plays) 1848
L'Expédition de la Jeune-Hardie |
Exploration of the World: Celebrated Travels and Travellers |
Exploration of the World: the Great Explorers XIX |
The Explorers of the 19th Century |
Un Express de l'avenir [EF] by
Michel Verne |
Express of the Future |
Face au drapeau [FD] (VE #42) |
Facing the Flag |
Fact-Finding Mission - Jules Verne original (Michel Verne used this to create Barsac Mission)
La famille raton |
Famille-sans-nom [FS] (VE #33) |
A Family Without a Name |
Famous Travels and Travellers |
A Fancy of Doctor Ox and Tour of the World in Eighty Days |
Une Fantaisie du Docteur Ox [DO]
(VE) Short Story |
The Fate of Jean Morenas |
Play: Les Fiancés bretons (list of Verne plays) 1851 |
Play: The Fiancés of Brittany / Les Fiancés bretons (list of Verne plays) 1851 |
The Field of Ice (Pt
2 of 2: Adventures of Captain Hatteras) |
Play: The Fifteen Minutes of Rabelais / Le Quart d'heure de Rabelais [QH] (list of Verne plays) 1848 |
Play: Un fils adoptif [FA] (list of Verne plays) 1853 |
La fin des guerres navales |
The First Ships of the Mexican Navy |
Five Weeks in a Balloon |
The Flight to France |
A Floating City |
A Floating City, and the Blockade Runners |
The Floating Island |
Floating Island or the Pearl
of the Pacific |
Flood and Flame (Pt 2 of 2: Volcano of Gold) - by Michel Verne |
For the Flag |
Les Forceurs de blocus [FB]
(VE) short story |
Fortieth French Ascent of Mont Blanc [QA] short story by
Paul Verne |
Foundling Mick (P'Tit Bonhomme) |
Les Frères Kip [FK] (VE
#50) |
Fritt Flacc [FF] |
Play: From Charybdis to Scylla / De Charybde en Scylla [CZ] (list of Verne plays) 1851 |
From Copenhagen to Rotterdam on board the steam yacht Saint-Michel (by Jules' brother Paul Verne) |
From the Clouds to the Mountains |
From the Clouds to the Mountains (a
short story in Doctor Ox)) |
From the Earth to the Moon |
From the Earth to the Moon Direct
in 97 Hours and 20 Minutes |
From the Earth to the Moon, All
Around the Moon |
From the Earth to the Moon, and
a Journey Around It |
From the Earth to the Moon, and
a Trip Around it |
From the Earth to the Moon, and
a Trip Round it |
From the Earth to the Moon, and
Around the Moon |
From the Earth to the Moon, and
Round It |
Frritt-Flacc [FF] (VE) short
story |
The Fur Country |
The Fur Country,or 70° North Latitude |
The Fur Country,or Seventy Degrees North Latitude |
Future of the Submarine (article) |
Song: Les Gabiers: chanson maritime (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard) |
Géographie illustrée de la France et de ses colonies.
Précédée d'une étude sur la géographie générale de la France, par Théophile Lavallée |
The Giant Raft |
Gil Braltar [GB] (VE) short
story |
Godfrey Morgan: a Californian Mystery |
Golden Danube - version d'origine [BD]- Jules Verne original |
The Golden Volcano - version d'origine [VP] - Jules Verne original |
Volcano of Gold [VO] - by Michel Verne |
La Grande Foret [VA] (VE # 48) |
Les grands voyages et les grands voyageurs: Découverte de la Terre |
The Great Air Line to the Moon (excerpt/Short Story from From the Earth to the Moon) |
The Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, Celebrated Travels and Travellers |
The Great Explorers of the XIXth Century |
The Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century, Celebrated Travels and Travellers |
The Great Navigators of the XVIIIth Century |
A great transatlantic subway (short
story) by Michel Verne |
The Green Ray: A Romance of the
Scottish Highland |
Play: Guerre aux tyrans [GT] (list of Verne plays) 1854 |
Play: La Guimard [GD] (list of Verne plays) 1850 |
Play: The Guimard [GD] (list of Verne plays) (ENGLISH version) |
Play: The Happy of the Day / Les Heureux du jour [HE] (list of Verne plays) 1855-1856 |
Hector Servadac, voyages et aventures à travers
le monde solaire [HS] (VE #15)
Hector Servadac, or the Career of
a Comet |
Play: Les Heureux du jour [HE] (list of Verne plays) 1855-1856 |
Hier et Demain |
Histoire des grands voyages et des grands voyageurs: Découverte de la Terre [PE] [GN] [VX] |
Histoire des grands voyges et des grands voyageurs: Les Premiers Explorateurs [PE] |
Histoire générale des grands voyages et des grands voyageurs: Les Voyageurs du XIXe siècle [VX] |
Histoire générale des grands voyages et des grands voyageurs: Les grands navigateurs du XVIIIe siècle [GN] |
Les Histoires de Jean-Marie Cabidoulin
[HJ] (VE #49) |
History of the Famous Travels and Travelers [PE] [GN] [VX] |
Un hivernage dans les glaces
[HG] (VE) short story |
Homeward Bound (Pt 2 of 2:
Hector Servadac) |
Moeurs américaines. Le Humbug [HU] |
Hunt For the Meteor |
Ice Desert (Pt 2 of 2: Adventures of Captain Hatteras) |
An Ideal City [AA] (short story) |
L'Île à hélice
[IH] (VE #41) |
L'Île mystérieuse [IM](VE #12)
(Part 1) L'es Naufragés de l'air.
(Part 2) L'Abandonné.
(Part 3) Le Secret de l'île |
Illustrated Geography of France and Her Colonies |
An Incubus by X. Nagrien
(**NOT by Verne, but was published in Italy, Spain and other countries
as if written by Verne) |
In Search of the Castaways |
In the Year 2889 by Michel Verne |
Les Indes noires [IO](VE #16) |
Play: The Inn in the Ardennes [AB] (list of Verne plays) 1860 |
Into the Abyss (Pt 2 of 2:
Family Without a Name) |
Into the Niger Bend (Pt 1 of 2: Astonishing Adventures of the Barsac Mission) - by Michel Verne |
L'Invasion de la mer [IR]
(VE #54) |
Invasion of the Sea |
La Jangada huit cents lieues sur l'Amazone [JA] (VE #21) |
Jédédias Jamet, or The Tale of an Inheritance - Play
Jédédias Jamet ou L'Histoire d'une succession [JJ] 1991 |
La journée d'un journaliste
américain en 2890 [JN] |
A Journey Into the Interior of
the Earth |
Play: Journey Through the Impossible [VE] (list of Verne plays) 1879-1882 - with Adolphe d'Ennery |
Journey to England and Scotland [VH] |
A Journey to the Center of the
Earth |
A Journey to the Centre of the
Earth |
A Journey to the North Pole(Pt
1 of 2: Adventures of Captain Hatteras) |
Jules Verne - Collected Works |
Play: Kéraban the Inflexible [KE] (list of Verne plays) 1882 |
Keraban the Terrible |
[KT] (VE #24) |
Play: Kéraban-le-têtu [KE] (list of Verne plays) 1882 |
The Kip Brothers |
Play: The Knights of the Daffodil [CW] (list of Verne plays) 1853 |
Kongre the Wrecker: Lighthouse
at the End of the World |
A Lad of Grit |
Leader of the Resistance
(Pt 1 of 2: Family Without a Name) |
The Lighthouse at the End of
the World [PM]- by Michel Verne |
The Lighthouse at the End of
the World [PW]- Jules Verne original |
Play: Little Friends May Prove Great Friends / On a souvent besoin d'un plus petit que soi [ON] (list of Verne plays) 1849 |
A Long Vacation |
Lottery Ticket |
Play: Madame Malbrough’s Page / Le Page de Madame Malbrough [RM] (list of Verne plays)1858
**not by J. Verne..but by Edouard Vierne** |
Magellania [EM] 1897-1898 - Jules Verne original |
La Maison à vapeur voyage à travers l'Inde septentrionale [MV]
(VE #20) |
Maître du monde [MM] (VE
#53) |
Maître Zacharius [MZ] (VE)
short story |
Manuscrits nantais |
Le Mariage de M. Anselme des Tilleuls
[MT] |
The Marriage of a Marquis |
The Marriage of M. Anselme des Tilleuls |
Martin Paz [MP] (VE) short story |
Master of the World |
Masterless Man (Pt 1 of 2: Survivors of the Jonathan)
(**NOT by Jules Verne. Based on a novel by Jules Verne but heavily modified by his son Michel Verne.) |
Master Zacharius [MZ] |
Mathias Sandorf [MS] (VE #27) |
Play: Mathias Sandorf [MF] (list of Verne plays) 1887 - with Wiliam Busnach |
Measuring a Meridian |
Meridiana or Adventures in South
Africa |
Meridiana: The Adventures of
Three Englishmen and Three Russians ... |
The Meridians and the Calendar
The Meteor Hunt |
Michael Strogoff [MI] (VE #14) |
Play: Michael Strogoff [MJ] (list of Verne plays) 1876-1880 - with Adolphe d'Ennery |
Michael Strogoff, Courier of the
Czar [MI] (VE #14) |
Michael Strogoff, or the Courier
of the Czar [MI] (VE #14) |
Michael Strogoff, The Courier of
the Czar [MI] (VE #14) |
Michel Strogoff [MI] (VE #14) |
Play: Michel Strogoff [MJ] (list of Verne plays) 1876-1880 - with Adolphe d'Ennery |
The Mighty Orinoco (published in English for the first time in 2003) |
Play: La Mille et deuxième nuit [MX] (list of Verne plays) 1850 |
Mirifiques Aventures de Maître
Antifer [MA] (VE #40) |
Mistress Branican [MB] (VE
#36) |
Moeurs américaines. Le Humbug [HU] (short story) |
Play: Mona Lisa (or Leonardo de Vinci or The Joconde) [LV] (list of Verne plays) 1852 |
Play: Monna Lisa (ou Léonard de Vinci ou La Joconde) [LV] (list of Verne plays) 1852 |
The Moon Voyage |
Play: Monsieur de Chimpanzé [MD] (list of Verne plays) 1858 |
M. Ré-Dièze et Mlle Mi-Bémol |
Play: Mr. Chimp [MD] (list of Verne plays) |
Play: Mr. Chimpanzee [MD] (list of Verne plays) |
Mr Ray Sharp and Miss Me Flat |
Mutineers |
Mutineers of the Bounty (short
story) |
Mysterious Document (Pt
1 of 3:The Children of Captain Grant) |
A Mysterious Force |
The Mysterious Island |
Mysterious Island: Abandoned
(Pt 2 of 3: Mysterious Island) |
Mysterious Island: Secret of
the Island (Pt 3 of 3: Mysterious Island) |
Mysterious Island: Wrecked in
the Air (Pt 1 of 3: Mysterious Island) |
Mystery of Arthur Gordon Pym |
Mystery of the Franklin |
Les Naufrages du 'Jonathan' [NJ] 1909 by Michel Verne
(**NOT by Jules Verne. Based on a novel by Jules Verne but heavily modified by his son Michel Verne.) |
Play: A Nephew from America, or The Two Frontignacs [NA] (list of Verne plays) - with Charles Wallut and Edouard Cadol
Play: Un Neveu d'Amérique ou les deux Frontignac [NA] (list of Verne plays) 1861 |
A Nightmare [CU] by X.
(**NOT by Jules Verne, but was published in Italy, Spain and other countries and attributed to Verne) |
Song: Notre Etoile (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard) |
Nord contre Sud [NS] (VE #30) |
North Against South [NS] (VE
#30) |
Play: The North Pole [PH] (list of Verne plays) 1871 |
Off on a Comet |
Play: On a souvent besoin d'un plus petit que soi [ON] (list of Verne plays) 1849 |
L'Oncle Robinson [OR] 1870-1871 |
Play: On the Bank of the Ardour / Au bord de l'adour [BA] (list of Verne plays) 1855 |
On the Track (Pt 2 of 3:
The Children of Captain Grant) |
Play: Onze jours de siège [OJ] (list of Verne plays) 1857-1860 |
Package Holiday (Pt 1 of 2: Thompson Agency and Co) - by Michel Verne |
Play: Le Page de Madame Malbrough [RM] (list of Verne plays)1858 **not by J. Verne..but by Edouard Vierne** |
Play: Les Pailles rompues [PA] (list of Verne plays) 1849 |
Paris au XXe siecle [PV] 1863 |
Paris au XXieme Siecle |
Paris, Geographie, Statistique, Histoire |
Paris in the Twentieth Century |
Le Pays des fourrures [PF] (VE
#10) |
Pearl of Lima. A Story of True Love. |
Le Phare du bout du monde [PM] - by Michel Verne |
Le Phare du bout du monde - Version d'origine [PW] - Jules Verne original |
Pierre-Jean [CJ] (shorty story) |
Le Pilote du Danube - by Michel Verne |
Poésies inédites (Poetry) |
Play: Le Pole Nord [PH] (list of Verne plays) 1871 |
Play: The Powder Conspiracy [CP] (list of Verne plays) 1848 |
Les Premiers Navires de la Marine Mexicaine |
Un Prêtre en 1835 [PT]
1846/1847 |
Un Prêtre en 1839 [PT]
1846/1847 |
A Priest in 1835 1846/1847 |
Song: Au Printemps (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard) |
Prodigieuse décoverte [PC] 1867 by X. Nagrien
(**NOT by Jules Verne. This title was published in Italy, Spain and other countries as if by Verne ... by X. Nagrien) |
Prodigious Discovery by X. Nagrien
(**NOT by Jules Verne. This title was published in Italy, Spain and other countries as if by Verne ) |
Play: Une Promenade en mer [PN] (list of Verne plays) 1848 |
Propeller Island |
P'tit Bonhomme [PB] (VE #39) |
The Purchase of the North Pole |
Quarantième ascension française au Mont-Blanc [QA] by
Paul Verne |
Play: Le Quart d'heure de Rabelais [QH] (list of Verne plays) 1848 |
Play: Quiridine et Quidinerit [QQ] (list of Verne plays) 1850 |
The Rat Family |
Le Rayon vert [RV] (VE #23) |
Les Révoltés de la
Bounty [RY] (VE) short story) |
Robur-le-Conquérant [RC]
(VE #29) |
Robur the Conqueror (VE #29) |
Rodolphe de Gortz; or the Castle
of the Carpathians |
De Rotterdam a Copenhague a bord du yacht a vapeur Saint-Michel (by Jules' brother Paul Verne) |
Round the Moon |
Round the World in Eighty Days |
Round the World, Australia
(Pt 2 of 3: The Children of Captain Grant) |
Round the World, New Zealand
(Pt 3 of 3: The Children of Captain Grant) |
Round the World, South America
(Pt 1 of 3: The Children of Captain Grant) |
Play: Les Sabines [SB] (list of Verne plays) 1857 |
Play: The Sabines / Les Sabines [SB] (list of Verne plays) 1857 |
Salon de 1857 |
Salon of 1857 |
Salvage From the Cynthia
(originally published as a collaboration between Verne and Andre Laurie. It is now believed to be the
sole work of Andre Laurie) |
San Carlos et autres récits inédits |
San Carlos [SA] (short story) |
Sans dessus dessous [SD] (VE
#34) |
Play: Les Savants [SV] (list of Verne plays) 1851 |
Scarpanthe the Spy (Pt 2
of 2: Keraban the Terrible) |
Play: The Scholars / Les Savants [SV] (list of Verne plays) 1851 |
Scholarships for Travel |
School For Crusoes |
Una Scoperta Prodigiosa (Italian) by X.
(**NOT by Jules Verne. This title was published in Italy, Spain and other countries as if by Verne) |
Sea Serpent |
Second Country |
Second Fatherland |
Second Year Ashore (Pt 2
of 2: Two Year ) |
Seconde patrie [SP] (VE #47) |
Le Secret de Wilhelm Storitz - Version d'origine [WI] - Jules Verne original |
Le Secret de Wilhelm Storitz - L'Invisible, L'invisible Fiancee, Le Secret de Storitz) [WS] - by Michel Verne |
The Secret of the Island
(Pt 3 of 3: Mysterious Island) |
The Secret of Wilhelm Storitz - by Michel Verne |
The Self-Propelled Island |
Shipwrecked Family: Marooned With Uncle Robinson |
Shipwrecked in the Air
(Pt 1 of 3: Mysterious Island) |
Show on Ice (Pt 2 of 2:
Caesar Cascabel) |
Le Siège de Rome [SR] (short story) |
The Siege of Rome (short story) |
Simon Hart: a Strange Story of Science
& the Sea |
Solution of Mind Problems by
the Imagination (article) |
The Sombre Fate of Jean Morenas
The Southern Star |
Southern Star Mystery |
Song: Souvenirs D'Ecosse (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard) |
Souvenirs d'enfance et de jeunesse [SJ] |
The Special Correspondent |
Le Sphinx des glaces [SG]
(VE #44) |
The Sphinx of the Ice [SG] (VE #44) |
The Steam House |
Stories of Adventure: Meridiana
& Journey to the Center of the Earth |
The Storm (short story)
(appears in the book 'Black Water: Anthology of Fantastic Literature') |
The Story of my Boyhood [SJ] |
Sun in Eclipse (Pt 1 of 2: The
Fur Country) |
The Superb Orinoco [SO] (VE #45) |
Le Superbe Orénoque
[SO] (VE #45)
(published in English in 2003 for the first time as: The Mighty Orinoco) |
Survivors of the Chancellor |
Survivors of the Jonathan
(**NOT by Jules Verne. Based on a novel by Jules Verne but heavily modified by his son Michel Verne.) |
Tale of a Hat |
The Tale of a Hat or Josh Merritt's Mania (published from a chapter of Mistress Branican) |
The Tale of an Inheritance - Play |
Tales of Adventure (Includes
Captain Hatteras and other stories) |
Song: La Tankadere (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard) |
Ten Hour Hunt |
Ten Hours Hunting |
Le Testament d'un excentrique
[TE] (VE #46) |
Texar the Southerner (Pt 2
of 2: North Against South) |
Texars Revenge |
Theatre Inedit |
Their Island Home (Pt 1 of
2: Second Country) |
Thompson Agency and Co - by Michel Verne |
Play: The Thousand and Second Night [MX] (list of Verne plays)
Through the Bering Straight (Pt
2 of 2: The Fur Country ) |
Tigers and Traitors (Pt 2
of 2: The Steam House) |
Tigers and Traitors, Steam House
(Pt 2 of 2: The Steam House) |
Three Russians and Three Englishmen |
To My English Readers (introduction to the book Plunge into Space by Robert Cromie) |
To the Sun |
To the Sun? Off on a Comet! |
The Topmen: Sailor Song (song) |
Topsy Turvy |
Play: La Tour de Monthléry [TY] (list of Verne plays) 1852 |
Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts
jours [TM] (VE #11) |
Play: Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours [TN] (list of Verne plays) 1873 |
Tour of the World in 80 Days |
Tour of the World in Eighty Days |
Song: Tout Simplement (text JV with music by Aristide Hignard) |
Play: The Tower of Monthléry / La Tour de Monthléry [TY] (list of Verne plays) 1852 |
Play: Une tragédie en vers pour le théatre des marionnettes Riquiqui de Nantes [TV] (list of Verne plays) 1845 |
Travelling Circus (Pt 1
of 2: Caesar Cascabel) |
Travel Scholarships |
Tribulation of a Chinaman |
Les Tribulations d'un chinois
en Chine [TC] (VE #19) |
Play: Les Tribulations d'un chinois en Chine [ED] (list of Verne plays) 1888-1890 |
Tribulations of a Chinaman |
Tribulations of a Chinaman
in China |
Tribulations of a Chinese
Gentleman |
Trip Around the World in a Flying
Machine |
The Troubles of a Chinaman |
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the
Sea |
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the
Seas |
Two Year Vacation |
Uncle Robinson |
The Underground City |
Uneditted Poems (Poetry) |
Play: Untitled [TV] (list of Verne plays) 1845 |
Unwilling Dictator (Pt 2 of 2: Survivors of the Jonathan)
(**NOT by Jules Verne. Based on a novel by Jules Verne but heavily modified by his son Michel Verne.) |
The Vanished Diamond |
Le Village aérien [VA]
(VE # 48) (its first appearance was titled: La Grande Forêt) |
Village in the Treetops |
Une Ville flottante [VF] (VE
#8) |
Une ville idéale (Amiens
en l'an 2000) [AA] (short story) |
Vingt Mille Lieues sous les mers
[VL] (VE #6)
Tour du monde sous-marin. |
Vingt-quatre minutes en ballon |
Le Volcan d'or [VO] - by Michel Verne |
Le Volcan d'or (Le Klondyke) (Version
originale) [VP] - Jules Verne original |
Volcano of Gold [VO] - by Michel Verne |
Voyage across the impossible |
Play: Voyage à travers l'impossible [VE] (list of Verne plays) 1879-1882 - with Adolphe d'Ennery |
Voyage au centre de la Terre
[VC] (VE #3) |
Voyage d'études - Jules Verne original (Michel Verne used this to create Barsac Mission) |
Voyage in a Balloon |
Voyage Round the World - Australia
(Pt 2 of 3: The Children of Captain Grant ) |
Voyage Round the World - New Zealand
(Pt 3 of 3: The Children of Captain Grant ) |
Voyage Round the World - South
America (Pt 1 of 3: The Children of Captain Grant ) |
A Voyage to the Centre of the Earth |
A Voyage to the Moon |
Voyages and Adventures of Captain
Hatteras |
Voyages en Angleterre et en Ecosse
(Voyage à reculons) [VH] 1859-1860 à |
Voyages et aventures du capitaine
Hatteras [AH] (VE #2) |
Les Voyageurs du XIX-ieme Siecle |
Play: War to Tyrants [GT] (list of Verne plays) 1854 |
The Wilderness of Ice (Pt
2 of 2: Adventures of Captain Hatteras) |
The Will of an Eccentric |
William J Hypperbone,or the Will of
An Eccentric |
A Winter Amid the Ice |
A Winter Amid the Ice (as a short story in Doctor Ox) |
Winter Among the Ice-Fields (as a short story in Doctor Ox) |
Winter in the Ice |
Winter in the Ice (as a short story in Doctor Ox) |
Wonderful Adventures of Master Antifer [MA] (VE #40) |
The Wonderful Travellers
A Journey to the Center of the
Earth and Five Weeks in a Balloon |
Wonderful Travels
A Journey to the Center of the
Earth and Five Weeks in a Balloon |
Play: The Wood Grouse / Le Coq de breruyè [CY] (list of Verne plays) 1849 |
Wreck of the Chancellor |
Wreck of the Franklin |
Wrecked in the Air (Pt
1 of 3: Mysterious Island) |
Yesterday and Tomorrow |
10 Hour Hunt |
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea |
24 Minutes in a Balloon (short story) |
30 Miles a Minute |
5 Weeks in a Balloon |
The 500 Millions of the Begum |