Page last modified: June 26, 2024

Maître du monde - 1904

The Master of the World - 1914

[Voyages Extraordinaires #53 - 1 Volume - Les Deux Ameriques]

Image used with permission from
Project Jules Verne Illustrations by Bernhard Krauth,

(J-M Margot)
Jules Verne
Alternate English Titles:
    Master of the World

Plot Synopsis: 

Timeframe of novel: Events take place in 1902

Original Book Images:

Vehicles in the book:

The Terror / Epouvante

The Albatross / L'Albatros

Book Collecting Information:
Hetzel Editions:

This listing contains ALL Jules Verne Encyclopedia bibliographic entries for this book.

First English/US Edition:

Vol. 14
Spine Title


Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In 1911, Vincent Parke and Company published the fifteen-volume set, Works of Jules Verne, edited and introduced by Charles F. Horne. Volume fourteen contains Robur the Conqueror, folled by the first edition of The Master of the World translated into English."

"This abridged translation, the most often reprinted, opens "IF I speak of myself in this story, it is because I have been deeply involved in its startling events, events doubtless among the most extraordinary which this twentieth century will witness."

"...Roburs new vehicle, in French L'Epouvante; the Parke version renders this as the Terror..."

See a full listing and descrption of these sets here.

First UK Serial Edition: Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"This work also appeared in The Boy's Own Paper as the Master of the World in individual monthly issues from November 1913 through April 1914, and annual volume 35, in a new and more faithful translation by Cranstoun Metcalfe."

"This translation opens
"The mountain range parallel to the American Atlantic sea-board, which ploughs through North Carolina, VIrginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and New York State, bears the double name of Aleghany [sic] Mountains and Apalachee Mountains."

"...Roburs new vehicle, in French L'Epouvante; ... while Metcalfe more appropriately if awkwardly calls it the Terrible."

First UK
Variant "A" - Title Gilt on Spine:

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"By Christmas 1914, more than a decade had passed since Sampson Low had offered a new work by Jules Verne. For the gift season, The Master of the World was announced as "A Stirring Tale of Mystery and Marvel," and a companion book to The Clipper of the Clouds. This title topped the list of books in the New Illustrated 3s6d Series for Boys. The book was described as "Large crown 8vo., cloth fully illustrated, priced as 3s6d. Never before published in the English language, translated by Cranstun Metcalfe." This announcement was in error, becuase as previously noted, this work had been published in the English language in America three years earlier."

The Master of the World
Sampson Low, Marston and Co.

317 pages, Illustrated
Pictorial Green cover

Title GILT on Spine
and the tile is simply "printed" on the spine in gilt and is NOT "debossed".

NOTE: Edges NOT GIlt

First UK Editon
Variant "B" - Title NOT Gilt on Spine:

*** IS this, NON-Gilt , blindstamp spine the 1914 edition listed below??? ***

Jules Verne Encyclopedia
(SAME description as above):
"By Christmas 1914, more than a decade had passed since Sampson Low had offered a new work by Jules Verne. For the gift season, The Master of the World was announced as "A Stirring Tale of Mystery and Marvel," and a companion book to The Clipper of the Clouds. This title topped the list of books in the New Illustrated 3s6d Series for Boys. The book was described as "Large crown 8vo., cloth fully illustrated, priced as 3s6d. Never before published in the English language, translated by Cranstun Metcalfe." This announcement was in error, becuase as previously noted, this work had been published in the English language in America three years earlier."

The Master of the World
Sampson Low, Marston and Co.

317 pages, Illustrated
Pictorial Green cover

Title NOT GILT on Spine
and the Title is "debossed", imprinted into the spine. I can see some colour in the imprint, but it is not gilt!

Note: Edges NOT Gilt

Images and information courtesy of Andrew Cox Rare Books

First US Edition:

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In 1915, J. B. Lippincott published an edition from the English sheets virtually identical with the fully illustrated Sampson Low edition. The front cover of this volume pictures the Terrible (called the Terror in the translation published by Parke) soaring above the mountains below, with a similar miniature scene on the spine."

The Master of the World 
J B Lippincott Company

317 pages, Illustrated
Pictorial Green

Other Editions:

IS Variant B above, this the Dec 1914 listing???

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In December 1914, Sampson Low published a New Edition of The Master of the World, 8vo., priced 3s6d."

The Master of the World
Sampson Low, Marston and Co.

nd- 1923

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In March 1923, Sampson Low published The Master of the World, crown 8vo., priced at 3s6d."

The Master of the World
nd - 1923/24-ish (re 1794 logo on Title page!)
Sampson Low, Marston and Co., Ltd.

This edition is slightly shorter than the 1st edition above.
same "large" format

30 Full page illustrations

This edition corresponds internally to the 1st Edition in every way.

NOTE: The cover is NOT unique to this Jules Verne story.
It has also been noted on a couple Sampson Low books by Harry Collingwood,
- Under the Ensign of the Rising Sun.(originally published 1894),
- A Pair of Adventurers in Search of El Dorado, Also with the 1984 Sampson Low logo on Title page!!

Images and information courtesy of Andrew Cox Rare Books

nd - circa 1924
Seen with School BookPlate: 1926

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In March 1923, Sampson Low published The Master of the World, crown 8vo., priced at 3s6d."

The Master of the World
nd circa 1923
Sampson Low, Marston & Co

Seen with School BookPlate 1926 (and has Verne 1928 Bio!)
(2 copies seen with 1926 pressentation!!)

with "IMP" DustJacket

250 pages

Has 8 Illustrations including Frontis
(which are listed on back of the Contents page)

  • Frontispiece: The "Terrible" able to compete with the Eagles! - pg 168
  • Pg 94 - The New England seas had been troubled by an apparition
  • Pg 98 - A small cruiser put out from Boston Harbour
  • Pg 216 - On all sides spread a vast sheet of water
  • Pg 226 - His eyes were fixed full upon me
  • Pg 238 - A bare mile separated us
  • Pg 250 - The "Terrible" was being drawn into the fall (Actually at pg 242/43)
  • Pg 254 - The "Terrible" rose above the Canadian fall (Actually at pg 248/49)
    *** The story only has 250 pages!!!

In rear of book:

  • Louisa M. Alcott info
  • Jules Verrn Bio (... "We shall be celebrating ..." )
  • Clark Russel info
  • Catalogue: (2pg): starts with "Christmas Fireside Stories"
  • The Books of Jeffrey Farnol info
  • 4 page catalogue

2nd DJ left - courtesy of Andrew Cox Rare Books
Collection Andrew Nash (no DJ)

1928 (Feb) - 1928 (Mar)

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"The February and March 1928 issues (Vol. 2, No. 11 and 12) of Amazing Stories, published by Experimenter Publishing Company (Hugo Gernsback, president and editor), contained The Master of the World in two parts. This translation is from the edition published by Vincent Parke in 1911."

The Master of the World
Pt 1 of 2

1928 (February)
Amazine Stories (Vol. 2, No. 11)
Experimenter Publishing Company
New York

The Master of the World
Pt 2 of 2

1928 (March)
Amazine Stories (Vol. 2, No. 12)
Experimenter Publishing Company
New York

nd - circa 1926 - ** Outline Plain Cover ***

** Outline Plain Cover ***

The Master of the World
Sampson Low, Marston & Co, Ltd,

Catalogue in back:
"School Stories and Tales of Adventure"
including 29 Jules Verne titles at 2/6 each and 8 titles at 1/6
(the 1/6 ones, possibly Explorers cover!)

** This copy, HAS the Contents and Illustration list (showing 8 illustr.) after the Title page! (BUT only 2 illustrations!)

Has 2 Illustrations including Frontis:

  • Frontis is: "His eyes were fixed  full upon me - Page 227"
  • At pg 130/31 - "The "Terrible" able to compete with the eagles! - page 168"
    (but listed as Frontis in the included Illustration list)
nd - post 1930 ?? - ** Outline Plain Cover ***

Note: Fading on spine, matches rip in above DJ!

** Outline Plain Cover ***

The Master of the World
nd - Bookplate 1936
Sampson Low, Marston & Co, Ltd,

Seen with School BookPlate 1936

ALSO with "IMP" DustJacket!

Nothing after the last page, pg 250, in this book (no catalogue.. etc)

** This copy, has had (by the Publisher?) the 1 page after the title (contents and illustration list) excised from the book!
A 1/4" remnant strip of that page remains!
This was done because the list of illustrations, showed 8 illustrations, like the Colour cover, BUT this book only has 2 illustrations TOTAL!

Has 2 Illustrations including Frontis

  • Frontis - "The New England Sea had been troubled by an apparition - page 95"
  • At pg 130/31 - "On all sides spread a vast sheet of water - Page 216"

Gary Munson Collection
Collection Andrew Nash


Clipper of the Clouds
Lutterworth Press

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In 1951, Didier published several of Jules Verne's "Fascinating Classics of Science Fiction," including Robur the Conqueror, and The Master of the World, with an intriduction by the internationally known aeronautical expert Major Alexander P. de Seversky. The latter title is from the translation which appeared in the 1911 edition published by Parke."

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"Beginning in July 1961, through 1968, Gilberton Company published the Classics Illustrated No 163 comic book version of Master of the World."

Master of the World
Classics Illustrated
Gilberton Company

No. 163 (HRN 163 for 1st edition)

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In 1961, Dell Publishing Company issued the Dell Comic book version of Master of the World, based on the movie of the same title issued that year."

Master of the World
Dell Publishing Company

Dell, No. 1157 - 1961

The story of a madman who tried to destroy the armies of the world and outlaw war!

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In 1961, shortly after the film version appeared, Ace published their Science Fiction Classic edition fo Master of the World, including Robur the Conqueror, billed as "the exciting novel of a man who challenged the world from the sky." The former title is from the translation which appeared in the 1911 edition published by Parke. The main front cover photo shows Vincent Price in the title role, at the helm of the Albatross."

Master of the World
(including Robur the Conqueror)
New York

Ace Science Fiction Classic D504 35cents

The exciting novel of a man who challenged the world from the sky.

Read the book, see the American-International picture starring VINCENT PRICE, Charles Bronson, Henry Hull and Mary Webster at your favourite theatre.

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In 1962, the I. O. Evans version of the Metcalfe translation of this work was published in the Fitzroy Edition as The Master of the World, 188 pages, priced at $2.75 in America (Associated Booksellers) and 12s6d in Great Britain (ARCO)."

Master of the World
ARCO Publications

188 pages

Fitzroy Edition

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In 1962, the I. O. Evans version of the Metcalfe translation of this work was published in the Fitzroy Edition as The Master of the World, 188 pages, priced at $2.75 in America (Associated Booksellers) and 12s6d in Great Britain (ARCO)."
(same entry as above)

Master of the World
nd - copyright 1962
Associated Booksellers
Westport, Conn.

188 pages

0 illustrations

Opposite the Title page a list of 26 titles in the Fitzroy Edition (ending with Master of the World)

Back of Dustjacket an ad for The Fitzroy Edition
Westport, Conn

Fitzroy Edition
Dustjacket unclipped $3.00

Collection Andrew Nash

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In the mid-1960s Airmont published The Master of the World in the Airmont Classics Series papercover edition, from the 1911 translation."

Master of the World
Airmont Publishing
New York

Classics Series CL73

Introduction by Robert A. W. Lownden

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In 1968, Lancer Books published Master of the World in the Magnum Easy Eye Books edition, 191 pages, priced at 95 cents, from the translation which appeared in 1911 edition published by Parke."

Master of the World
Lancer Books

Magnum Easy Eye - Larger type for easy reading

Complete and unabridged

Cover by Jack Taragasso

The Marvelous Machine...
It was seen first in North Carolina, or something was, smoking up from a mountain crater. With blinding speed. It roared past cars on a Pennsylvania road. It skimmed the Atlantic, then--at the flick of its captain's will--dove beneath the waves...
It was the Terror--ship, sub, plane and land vehicle in one and a letter from its inventor claimed that with it he would rule the world. Coud he? Who was he and how did he plan to bring nations to their knees? John Strock had to find out--before it was too late...
Jules Verne's Master of the World was first published in 1904. Long recognized as a truly prophetic science-fiction classic, it is also an exciting suspenseful adventure that the passage of time has not diminished.

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In 1977 Marvel Comics Group issued the Marvel Classics Comics comic book No. 21 version of Master of the World."

Master of the World
Marvel Comics Group

Marvel Classics Comics No. 21

Suspense and Intrigue in the magnificent manner -- as only Mighty Marvel can present it!

Jules Verne Encyclopedia:
"In 1985, Watermill Press published Master of the World in a paperback edition, 174 pages."

Master of the World
nd copyright 1985
Watermill Classic
Mahwah, NJ

174 pgs

This entry is NOT in the Jules Verne Encyclopedia

Master of the World
circa 1979
Amereon House

ISBN: 0-89190-518-9

191 pages
Red cloth

This is a reprint of the Fitzroy Edition

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